‘Only Connect’ is the advice that E.M. Forster offers at the beginning of his novel ‘Howards End’. For a long time that quotation has seemed to sum up the work of ICP, as we promote connection between school leaders across the world. In the light of this it is...
August Update: Council Plus
One of the few positive effects of the Pandemic was that it made us all realise how much we valued things that we had previously taken for granted. The poet Edward Thomas wrote that ‘to name a thing beloved we sometimes fail’ and I think that there is great truth in...
Membership snapshots
The ICP invites two member associations to make a presentation at each Council Meeting. ASEPA-ProfileDownload VO-Raad-NetherlandsDownload
Equity: ICP perspective
Equity-South-African-PerspectiveDownload ICP2014_How-to-promote-equity-and-education-access-for-allDownload PISA-8-JULY-2014-POITIERSDownload
Education gap: the root of inequity
Harvard UniversityDownload
Equity Statement
The ICP respects and acknowledges the varied challenges faced by each member in our shared journey to ensuring equity of access and opportunity for the learners and the communities in which we lead. Every member of the ICP acknowledges their personal responsibility to...