Violence in Schools: an overview and response to a changing agenda

Philip Garner (The University of Northampton, UK)
Presentation to the International Confederation of Principals
Helsinki, 2 August 2015

Presentation Summary
Contemporary schools are experiencing significant challenges regarding their responses to violent behaviour by students. The nature of violence has changed over the last decade or so, bringing with it new tensions and the need for school leaders to respond effectively to minimise their impact on school systems.

I. Contagion or Change
Long history of ‘violence in schools’
Media reporting focuses upon extreme events & lurid headlines
Fuels public/political/professional concern
Leading to a ‘moral panic’
Little trustworthy evidence of substantial rates of increase in school violence
Evidence of change in type of violent behaviour & its context
Rapid social/economic/demographic/technological change! in last 25 years

Contemporary challenges
Radicalised behaviour
Social media & other forms of bullying
Gang’ violence & weapon-use
Child abuse, self-harm and increase in mental health issues
Failure to recognise & understand change results in inappropriate responses

Leadership imperatives: 4K Insulation
The affective skills of the school leader are of signal! mportance
Violence resilient schools have a positive & inclusive culture & ethos
Knowledge application
Keystone principles
Kaleidescope Interventions
Karmic Thinking

A School Model for Violence Reduction
The ecosystemic nature of schools is central

  1. Awareness of the effects of violence on children amongst all stakeholders (children, staff, school-leaders and families)
  2. Regular school self-reviews of violent behaviour and the school’s organisation for intervention
  3. Effective whole school policies and strategies for creating a non-violent learning environment and addressing the causes of violence
  4. School leadership for development
  5. A ‘taught-and-caught’ Social Emotional and Behaviour Learning curriculum
  6. Peer-led initiatives
  7. Making schools and the surrounding environment safe
  8. Staff training
  9. Involving families
  10. Engagement with and in the local community
Teacher researching violence in schools



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